Monday, November 16, 2009

american soldier


1) the most powerful photo for me was when fisher was laying on the cot with a gun in one hand and a phone in the other, talking to family, most-likely. i think it perfectly describes army life.

2) the sequence the was most powerful in my opinion was the last one, 'coming home'. it was full of happiness and joy.

3) the images are put in chronological order to tell the story.


1) past-tense.

2) they help you get to know the characters of the story and the overall situation that fisher is in.

re-written captions:
(all in 'coming home' sequence')

1) ian reunites with an old friend after returning from iraq in 2009.

2) friends celebrate ian's returning with a party at a local bar.

3) family and friends gather to welcome the soldiers, and ian's father stands with a banner, waiting for his son at the airport.

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